Deduction Object

Deduction Object is created using a Deduction Template and is attached to an Employee Check.

The corresponding deduction template provides the JSON schema which lays out the fields needed to create a Deduction.

deductionIDstringZeal Deduction ID
companyIDstringZeal Company ID
employeeCheckIDstringZeal Employee Check ID
deduction_typestringType of deduction. You can find all deduction types here

Show child attributes

type: float
description: Employer contribution amount

type: string
description: Can be either dollars or percentage


Show child attributes

type: float
description: Employee contribution amount

type: string
description: Can be either dollars or percentage

additional_fieldsobjectSome deduction types like HSA or Garnishment have additional properties apart from employee and employer contributions. This field is used to provide information on those fields if set as overridable

Show child attributes

type: float
description: The number given for the order

type: string
description: Custom ID given for the case

type: object

See next row for agency child attributes

agencyobjectFalls within the additional_fields object if relevant to the deduction type

Show child attributes

type: string
description: The name given of the Agency

type: string
description: The address of the Agency location

employer_calculated_contributionnumberThis is the calculated amount that the employer contributed once the check has been moved from pending to pre-processed. The value while this check is pending will always be 0.
employee_calculated_contributionnumberThis is the calculated amount that the employee contributed once the check has been moved from pending to pre-processed. The value while this check is pending will always be 0.
deduction_template_namestringName of deduction template, this deduction was created with
deductionTemplateIDstringID of Deduction Template this deduction was created with