Company Event

POSTs a request upon update of a Company object.

This endpoint specifies what will be sent to your Company Update Webhook. Zeal POSTs a request containing a The Company Object once it is successfully updated in the application. You can update and test the webhook URL you want Zeal to hit on the 'API' page of the Zeal Dashboard.

Request Body

testbooleanWhether the company was updated in Test Mode
typestringThe operation that was applied to this company

Other The Company Object fields


Doesn't return anything but rather POSTs The Company Object to your webhook URL

Raw Content Example

  "type": "update",
  "companyID": "123456789",
  "status": "live",
  "first_name": "Test",
  "last_name": "Employer",
  "email": "",
  "business_name": "Test Company",
  "business_ein": "123456789",
  "business_phone": "+13456789012",
  "business_address": "1 Ferry Building",
  "business_city": "San Francisco",
  "business_state": "CA",
  "business_zip": "94105",
  "mail_address": "1 Ferry Building",
  "mail_city": "San Francisco",
  "mail_state": "CA",
  "mail_zip": "94105",
  "skip_migration": true,
  "account_number": "567789343",
  "routing_number": "567789343",
  "requirements": [],
  "onboarding_url": "/employeronboard/123456789?companyID=123456789&classification=TEST&use_bank_verification=true",
  "is_sandbox": true,
  "webhook_correlation_id": "Company One",
  "timestamp": "2024-01-21T21:29:42Z"