Employer Check Processed Event

POSTs a request when an employer check enters processing.

This endpoint specifies what will be sent to your 'Employer Check Processed' Webhook. Zeal POSTs a request containing the processed Employer Check Object (checks are typically processed at 2:00 PM PT). You can update the webhook URL you want Zeal to hit on the 'API' Page of the Zeal Dashboard.

Request Body

testbooleanWhether the Employer Check was created in the Test Mode
companyIDstringZeal companyID of Employer
business_namestringBusiness Name of Employer
employerCheckIDstringEmployer Check ID
statusstringStatus of shift. Will hold the following values:
reporting_periodsarrayList of reporting periods contained in this employer check.

Show child attributes
type: string
description: Reporting Period ID
totalsobjectTotals for this employer check are stored in an object.

Show child attributes
type: number
description: Gross pay for an employee (total pay before taxes) net_pay
type: number
description: Net pay for an employee (total pay after taxes = gross_pay - total_employee_taxes) total_employer_taxes
type: number
required: Total amount of employer taxes company_debit
type: number
description: Total cost for the company (net_pay + total_employee_taxes + total_employer_taxes)

type: number
description: Total amount of employee taxes for this employer check run

employee_checksarrayList of all employee checks. Each object contains information regarding how each employee is paid for this payroll run (i.e. everything found on a paystub and more). See Employee Check Object for all attributes


Doesn't return anything but rather POSTs the processed Employer Check Object to your webhook URL.

Raw Content Example

  "test": true,
  "companyID": "083472985",
  "business_name": "Test Company",
  "employerCheckID": "123456789",
  "status": "processed",
  "reporting_periods": [
      "reportingPeriodID": "01739fc4cfd84c2e93dba5e802d1dda1",
      "start": "2024-01-05T22:01:00.000Z",
      "end": "2024-01-06T22:00:00.000Z"
  "createdAt": "2024-02-13T19:22:34Z",
  "totals": {
    "gross_pay": 40,
    "net_pay": 36.94,
    "total_employer_taxes": 3.06,
    "company_debit": 43.06,
    "total_employee_taxes": 3.06
  "employee_checks": [
      "employeeID": "0987654321",
      "check_date": "2024-01-06T00:00:00Z",
      "is_salary": false,
      "approval_required": false,
      "approved": true,
      "first_name": "Peter",
      "middle_initial": null,
      "last_name": "Gregory",
      "reportingPeriodID": "01739fc4cfd84c2e93dba5e802d1dda1",
      "status": "processed",
      "metadata": {},
      "disbursement": {
        "method": "direct_deposit",
        "history": []
      "gross_pay": 40,
      "net_pay": 36.94,
      "total_employee_taxes": 3.06,
      "total_employer_taxes": 3.06,
      "taxes": [
          "name": "Employee Medicare Tax",
          "paidBy": "EMPLOYEE_WITHHOLDING",
          "amount": 0.58
          "name": "Employee Social Security Tax",
          "paidBy": "EMPLOYEE_WITHHOLDING",
          "amount": 2.48
          "name": "Employer Medicare Tax",
          "paidBy": "EMPLOYER_LIABILITY",
          "amount": 0.58
          "name": "Employer Social Security Tax",
          "paidBy": "EMPLOYER_LIABILITY",
          "amount": 2.48
      "shifts": [
          "employeeID": "0987654321",
          "shiftID": "123456789",
          "employeeCheckID": "9827465739",
          "status": "processed",
          "first_name": "Peter",
          "last_name": "Gregory",
          "metadata": {},
          "wcc_code": null,
          "workLocatio4ID": "34567890",
          "time": "2023-01-12T10:00:00",
          "hourly": {
            "hours": 2,
            "wage": 20
      "deductions": []
  "timestamp": "2024-01-21T21:29:42Z"