The Employee Object represents a W-2 employee for a given company.
attribute | type | description |
employeeID | string | Zeal Employee ID |
companyID | string | Zeal Company ID of the employer |
onboarded | boolean | Whether the employee has been onboarded onto Zeal or not |
employment_status | string | Employment status of the employee. Holds one of the following values:live : This employee currently works for this company and will receive payrollleave : This employee is "On Leave"terminated : This employee has been "Terminated". If terminated, must have term_date . (see below) |
term_date | string | Termination Date of the employee. The termination date is the day on which the employee and the employer end their relationship and is formatted as a date (YYYY-MM-DD) |
first_name | string | First name of the employee |
last_name | string | Last name of the employee |
title | string | Title of employee |
dob | string | Date of birth of the employee |
start_date | string | Start Date of employee (also known as hire date). This is the first day that this employee works in return for wages and is formatted as a date (YYYY-MM-DD). Zeal uses this date for new hire reporting. |
string | Email of employee | |
address | string | Residential Street address of the employee |
address_line2 | string | Residential Street Address Line 2 of employee (i.e. apt numbers, suite no., etc.) |
city | string | Residential City of employee |
state | string | Residential State of employee |
zip | string | Residential Zip code of the employee |
phone_number | string | Phone number of employee. Formatted with "+1" country code (e.g. +18214370987 ) |
default_pay_schedule | string | Default pay schedule of the employee. See the different options here |
default_wage | number | Default wage of the employee |
default_ot_wage | number | Wage for overtime pay. Default OT rate is 1.5 times base wage |
default_dt_wage | number | Wage for double time pay. Default DT rate is 2 times base wage |
ssn | string | Social security number of employee |
is_943 | boolean | Set to true if the employee is a farmworker |
is_scheduleH | boolean | Set to true if the employee falls under the Schedule H category as a household employee |
external_id | string | External ID for an employee that comes from an employer's HR or other internal systems |
metadata | object | Custom object you can attach to the employee object. This is useful for storing additional information about the object in a custom, structured format. See Metadata. |
workLocationID | string | ID of Work Location Object |
work_week_start | string | ISO-8601 date-time with accurate UTC offset depicting the beginning of the work week when the employee begins work NOTE: Only applicable for FLSA Overtime Policy (Early Access) |
is_salary | boolean | Set to true if the employee is salaried |
salary | number | The annual salary amount of the employee |
is_regular | boolean | Set to true if the employee should be included in “on-cycle” payroll runs |
everify_case_number | string | Case number of the E-Verify request NOTE: Only applicable for I9/E-Verify (Early Access) |
everify_further_action_notice_url | string | Further action notice URL link of the E-Verify request NOTE: Only applicable for I9/E-Verify (Early Access) |
everify_status | string | Holds one of the following values:IN_PROGRESS : A case has been created for the worker and e-verify is processing itPENDING_REFERRAL : The case received a Tentative Nonconfirmation (TNC) status and the employer must tell e-verify how to proceedREFERRED : The case has been referred to an E-verify agency and the worker will get in touch with themSUCCESS : The worker is authorized to work in the USFAILURE : The worker is not authorized to work in the USFAILURE_NO_SHOW : The worker never contacted the E-verify agency to resolve their Tentative Nonconfirmation (TNC) after indicating that they would take action, and are not authorized to work in the USFAILURE_NO_ACTION : The worker decided to take no action to resolve their Tentative Nonconfirmation (TNC), and are not authorized to work in the US NOTE: Only applicable for I9/E-Verify (Early Access) |
everify_referral_date_confirmation_url | string | Referral date confirmation URL of the E-Verify request NOTE: Only applicable for I9/E-Verify (Early Access) |
everify_status_display | string | Status display of the E-Verify request NOTE: Only applicable for I9/E-Verify (Early Access) |
everify_ee_continues_to_work_after_fnc | boolean | Set to true if the employee continues to work after a Final Nonconfirmation NOTE: Only applicable for I9/E-Verify (Early Access) |
everify_er_shared_referral_date_confirmation_at | string | Date the employer shared the referral confirmation of the E-Verify request NOTE: Only applicable for I9/E-Verify (Early Access) |
everify_status_updated_at | string | Status update of the E-Verify request NOTE: Only applicable for I9/E-Verify (Early Access) |
paycard_requested | boolean | Set to true if the contractor has completed paycard enrollment. The paycard may not be successfully provisioned to the contractor yet. NOTE: Only applicable for Paycards (Early Access) |
paycard_enabled | boolean | Set to true if the employee has completed paycard enrollment NOTE: Only applicable for Paycards (Early Access) |
kyc_status | enum | Holds one of the following values:null approved denied |
ssn_verification_status | enum | Holds one of the following values:null approved declined |
"employeeID": "1234567890",
"companyID": "0987654321",
"onboarded": true,
"employment_status": "live",
"term_date": null,
"first_name": "erlich",
"last_name": "bachman",
"email": "[email protected]",
"dob": "1999-12-04",
"start_date": "2019-06-04",
"title": "Brand Ambassador",
"working_state": "CA",
"workLocationID": "6247402f38756100224f0a52",
"address": "320 Pancake Hollow Road",
"address_line2": null,
"city": "Highland",
"state": "NY",
"zip": "12528",
"phone_number": "+18214370987",
"default_pay_schedule": "weekly",
"default_wage": 20,
"default_ot_wage": 30,
"default_dt_wage": 40,
"ssn": "123456789",
"is_943": true,
"is_scheduleH": false,
"is_salary": true,
"salary": 100000,
"external_id": "123456789",
"paycard_requested": false,
"paycard_enabled": false,
"kyc_status": "approved",
"ssn_verification_status": null