Paycards (Early Access)


Paycards allow workers to get paid faster and have easier access to their funds. Once a worker completes paycard enrollment, a paycard is provisioned to them, and the paycard is now available as a disbursement method for an employee check or contractor payment (e.g. net pay is sent to the paycard). A worker can currently see their paycard details, see transaction history, and transfer funds to an external bank account through the whitelabeled mobile app.

Note: This product is in Early Access. Please reach out to the Zeal team to get access to this Product.

In this guide

  • How to include the paycard enrollment screen in worker onboarding
  • How to set paycards as a disbursement method on an employee check or contractor payment
  • How workers can access paycard details
  • How to access paycard information in the Zeal API

Paycard Enrollment

Every worker that you wish to provision a virtual paycard for must complete paycard enrollment. To include the paycard enrollment page in worker onboarding, you can set paycard to true when generating the Contractor Onboarding Link or when generating the Employee Onboarding Link. You can also retrieve the paycard enrollment screen for employees or for contractors at any time, even after a worker is onboarded.

A worker must agree and consent to agreements on the Paycard Enrollment page. Once the agreements are consented to and the onboarding is complete, a paycard will be provisioned for the worker and the paycard_enabled field will be true on the Employee or Contractor. An update employee or update contractor webhook will also be sent.

Recommendation: You can embed the onboarding or individual enrollment link as an iframe or webview in your existing app. After listening to the webhook or querying the Employee/Contractor object for the paycard_enabled field to ensure the paycard is enabled for this worker, you should prompt the worker to download your app if they have not already. After logging into the app, the worker can access the paycard.

Note: If you have not set up SSO in the mobile app, you should also ensure your worker has created an account in Zeal. Learn more here.

Paycards in Mobile App

Workers can access their paycard details by logging into their worker dashboard in the mobile app and selecting the "Paycard" screen. On this page, workers can:

  1. view the paycard details
  2. add the card to digital wallet
  3. see transaction history
  4. transfer balance to an external bank account
  5. lock the card

Paycards API

You can find the Paycard Object details here and can use the GET /paycard endpoint to get all Paycard Objects for a company. This can be helpful for programmatically monitoring the status of paycards for workers. The status field holds one of the following values: active, suspended, terminated.

Paycard Disbursement Method

If you wish to have a worker's net pay be sent to their paycard, you can set disbursement_method = paycard when creating an employee check or contractor payment. If the disbursement method is set to paycard, the net pay amount will be available on the paycard when payroll is processed (e.g. the balance on the paycard will increase by the net pay amount and a new credit transaction will be shown to the worker).

You will receive an error if you try to use disbursement_method = paycard on a worker that does not have paycard_enabled = true.


  • Workers must complete the paycard enrollment page which can be included in worker onboarding through UI or API
  • Workers can access the Paycard page in the mobile app
  • Paycard objects can be retrieved using the API