Contractor Payments

Contractor payments are rather simple as there are no taxes for the employer to pay and the contractor is responsible for paying their own taxes. As such we really just need to submit an amount and pay_date in order for Zeal to process a payment.

In this guide

  • How to create a contractor payment through the API.
  • How to create a contractor payment through the white-label Employer Dashboard.


Call Create Contractor Payment.



Remember to replace the placeholders such as {{testApiKey}} in the code samples below.

curl --request POST \
     --url \
     --header 'Accept: application/json' \
     --header 'Authorization: Bearer {{testApiKey}}' \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     --data '
     "approval_required": false,
     "companyID": "{{companyID}}",
     "contractorID": "{{contractorID}}",
     "pay_date": "2022-01-15",
     "amount": 2000,

With the Contractor Payment in the system, it will automatically be batched and processed by Zeal.


Access the Employer Dashboard

Navigate to your Partner Dashboard and ensure that Test Mode is enabled. Then, click on a company to access the Employer Dashboard as an Admin.

Zeal Partner Dashboard in Test Mode

Create a Contractor Payment

Navigate to Pay Contractors and fill the details of the contractor payment and then click Create Payment.

With the Contractor Payment in the system, it will automatically be batched and processed by Zeal.


  • Contractor Payments are much simpler than Employee Checks and only really need an amount and pay_date.
  • You can create a Contractor Payment with the Create Contractor Payment endpoint.
  • You can create a Contractor Payment from the Employer Dashboard.
  • Once Contractor Payments are submitted, they will automatically be processed by Zeal.

What’s Next

Learn how contractor payments fit into your payroll solution with our Admin/Employer Dashboard Guide.