Paycard Onboarding (Early Access)


Zeal has made it easy to track the progress of a worker's onboarding and provisioning of their paycard.

Note: This product is in Early Access. Please reach out to the Zeal team to get access to this Product.

In this guide

  • How to include the paycard enrollment screen in worker onboarding
  • How to track paycard provisioning

Paycard Enrollment Screen

Every worker that you wish to provision a virtual paycard for must complete paycard enrollment. To include the paycard enrollment page in worker onboarding, you can set paycard to true when generating the Contractor Onboarding Link or when generating the Employee Onboarding Link. You can also retrieve the paycard enrollment screen for employees or for contractors at any time, even after a worker is onboarded.

A worker must agree and consent to agreements on the Paycard Enrollment page.

Recommendation: You can embed the onboarding or individual enrollment link as an iframe or webview in your existing app.

Paycard Request & Enablement

Once the agreements are consented to and the onboarding is complete, the paycard_requested field on the employee or contractor object will be set to true. Zeal then runs KYC and/or SSN Verification checks on the worker.

By subscribing to the Paycard Onboarding Status webhook, you can track the status of the paycard provisioning:

requested (sent when the Paycard Enrollment Screen is completed ⌛)
declined (KYC and/or SSN Verification checks failed ❌)
provisioned (KYC and/or SSN Verification checks on the worker are approved and the paycard has been provisioned ✅)

If KYC and SSN Verification is denied or declined, the webhook will send a status of declined and paycard_enabled field on the employee or contractor object will remain false.

If KYC and SSN Verification is approved, the webhook will send a status of provisioned and paycard_enabled field on the employee or contractor object will be set to true. An update employee or update contractor webhook will also be sent with paycard_enabled = true.

Recommendation: After listening to the webhook or querying the Employee/Contractor object for the paycard_enabled field to ensure the paycard is enabled for this worker, you should prompt the worker to download your app if they have not already. After logging into the app, the worker can access the paycard.

Note: If you have not set up SSO in the mobile app, you should also ensure your worker has created an account in Zeal. Learn more here.

If the paycard is still in the requested state, but not enabled, or this worker's paycard onboarding has been denied, they will not be able to view their paycard details in their mobile app.

Handling Failed KYC and SSN Verification

In the scenario that the KYC and/or SSN Verification failed, you can view the statuses using the following fields on the employee or contractor objects:

kyc_statusholds one of the following values:


ssn_verification_status holds one of the following values:


In these cases, an alert will show up on the affected worker in the Company Dashboard. In the case of SSN Verification being declined, an Admin must share an ID Collection link (accessible in dashboard) with the worker to collect identification proving that they possess this SSN. Once Verification is run again and the worker is approved, then the paycard will be provisioned.


  • Workers must complete the paycard enrollment page which can be included in worker onboarding through UI or API
  • Worker must pass KYC and SSN Verification to have their paycard provisioned