
Employee Worker Type - 08/19/2022

We now support an employer to have the same user as a W2 Employee as well as 1099 Contractor at the same time.


Employee Work State - 08/19/2022

In order to maintain tax compliance, the employees will no longer be able to edit their work state through the white-label.


Company Tax Info - 08/16/2022

The tax fields - state_tax_numbers & state_sui_numbers will no longer be a part of the Company object. These fields will now be a part of the Tax Setup page.


Company Mailing Address - 08/16/2022

We are adding these new required fields - mail_city, mail_address, mail_state, mail_zip for companies to be able to differentiate between their registered business address and the address they would like to receive correspondence. These fields will also appear in the white-label company onboarding. For all existing production companies without a mailing address, the mailing address fields will automatically be populated with the values provided in the business address fields


Check Date Roll Forward - 08/16/2022

We have now deprecated the practice of rolling forward the check date to next valid business day incase an invalid check_date entry was made by the employer. In such instances, the employers will now be notified of an invalid check date and will be required to resubmit the check with a valid date.


Sandbox flag - 08/16/2022

The is_sandbox flag for companies will now update automatically based on the the API key used to create the company.


Federal Employer Identification Number(FEIN) - 08/16/2022

The FEIN number will now be read-only to ensure compliance in tax filings. It'll will no longer be editable through the white-label or API once the employer onboarding form has been submitted. In case of a change in the FEIN after submission, the partner will need to create a Zendesk Support ticket for Zeal.


Payroll Migration - 08/16/2022

When adding a new company through the white-label, a partner will be provided with an option to indicate whether the new company will need a payroll migration or not.


Bank Verification - 08/16/2022

We have deprecated the use_bank_verification selection and will make it automatically required for all companies created with a Production Key.


API Keys - 08/16/2022

We have renamed the Live Key to Production Key. The API key used to create a company will determine the Production or Test status of a company. In order to run payroll, the company needs to be created using a Production Key. Learn more about API keys here.