
Workers Age Restriction Policy - 06/12/2023

To conform and comply with the acceptable age limit of the Fair Labor Standards
Act (FLSA) of the United States of America governed by the Department of Labor (DOL), Zeal will not allow any worker to be onboarded to the Zeal Whitelabel and API platforms that are not at least 14 years old on or before the first date of employment.


Work Location in Shifts - 04/11/2023

We have added a new optional field to the Shift object - workLocationID. This field tracks the work location where the shift was worked and taxes the wages for that shift accordingly.


Optional Employee Bank Account - 03/24/2023

We now support onboarding an employee and running payroll for them without a bank account. The employees will be able to exclude the ‘Require Bank Account Setup’ section when generating the employee onboarding link through the white label or use the payment_method_required parameter when using the API.


Optional Signature on W-4 forms - 03/01/2022

We have introduced the capability for employers to fill up the Federal W-4 and State W-4 (if applicable) for their employees on the white label. When an employer is filling in W-4 information on an employee’s behalf, they are able to check the “Preparer” box. If the box is checked, the employee's signature will no longer be required to submit the W-4 forms.


Active Tax Parameters Page - 01/26/2022

We have added Active Tax Parameters page to the employee profile for the employers. This page will list the current withholding data that Zeal uses while processing payroll.
Employers will be able to make changes to the employees withholding from the Federal Tax Information and State Tax Information pages, if needed.


Update Requirements Object - 12/06/2022

We are updating the Requirements object by replacing the current requirement types - state_payroll_tax_number, sui_number, poa, poa_notarization, local_number, third_party_authorization with more precise/standard categories of tax requirements. The new types of requirements are sit_payment, sit_filing, sui_payment, sui_filing, local_misc.


Users Date of Birth - 12/06/2022

The birth date of a user should be such that the user’s age is no more than 115 years. This is in compliance with the range set by our banking provider.


Deprecate working_state field - 12/06/2022

The working_state field will no longer be included in the Employee object. Based on the workLocation assigned to the employee, the working state will be fetched for tax calculation purposes. This field will no longer be supported from our end so make sure that any and all references to this field are taken care of.


Delineation of Keys - 12/06/2022

We have updated the use of Test API key and Production API key. These keys now determine the “Production” status of a company. In order to run payroll, a company needs to be created with the Production Key.


WCC Code - 11/17/2022

We have added a new optional parameter to the shift object - wcc_code. This will help employers identify the WCC code for every shift of work completed.