Upcoming Breaking Changes (09/04/24)

Retiring of Autopilot

September 4, 2024

The autopilot feature offered within our API will be retired on September 4th. The is_salary feature in the employee check object as well as the autopilot parameter in the employee object will be deprecated. If you continue to pass Zeal a value for is_salary when creating an employee check, the check will not fail. If you continue to pass Zeal a value for autopilot when creating or editing an employee, the request will not fail. These values will just no longer populate.

To replace autopilot, we recommend either utilizing our Payroll Run functionality available in UI or programmatically developing an automated salary solution utilizing our existing APIs - please reach out to your solution engineer(s) with any questions regarding this implementation.

Required Fields for Primary Business Owner in Company Object

September 4, 2024

Starting on September 4th, Zeal will be adding new fields to the company object to gather additional information on Primary Business Owners (UBOs). This is to streamline the KYB/KYC process of Partner and Company level accounts and to ensure further compliance with our banking partners. These fields will be required when creating a new company via API.

When creating a company via API, the following fields will now be a part of the Company Object shape and required in the body of the request:

  • ssn
  • ownership_percentage
  • dob
  • legal_structure
  • address

Deprecation of Paperwork Endpoints

September 4, 2024

The Zeal View/Sign Employee and View/Sign Contractor Paperwork Endpoints will be deprecated on September 4th, and replaced by new Zeal Paperwork endpoints. These endpoints offer the same functionality with the addition of robust customizability.

For more information on the new Zeal Paperwork APIs, please check out our in-depth Custom Paperwork guide.